Monday, May 26, 2008

News from Hanson Historical Society

I wrote to the Hanson Historical Society to try and get more information about the camp.  My last year was 1971.   I was 21 and head counselor that year.  prof and Mrs. Longley were still running the camp.  The following was their reply:
Camp Wampatuck is no longer there.  It was sold to a developer and the houses on Kings Landing Way are where the Camp was located.   The road is the 1st right after the Town Hall and Wampatuck pond. almost opposite Gorwin drive on the left.  When we moved into the town in 1978 the Camp was very rundown.  It abutted the Town Forest, as Kings Landing Way does today.  In the Images of America "Hanson" book, by Donna McCulluch Brown (an Arcadia publication) you will find on pages 118 ans 119 pictures and a little information on Camp Wampatuck.  The Hanson Historical Society sells the book for $20.00 plus shipping.

It is hard to believe in 7 years it could become so rundown. I am saddened that it all could end so fast.  Now I am curious as to when it actually closed etc.  


At February 12, 2009 at 9:56 AM , Blogger Valerie said...


Just stumbled on your blog. Hi from over at Facebook! Wanted to let you know that I went to camp from about '77 until it closed and it most definitely was not "rundown" during that time. I think some people mistake "rustic" for rundown. Just because we didn't have air conditioning and private bathrooms in the cabins didn't make it rundown. Obviously none of those people at the historical society ever went to camp there. :) I loved every minute of my time there, whether it looked perfect or not!

At August 15, 2012 at 1:47 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I just found a vintage postcard my mother sent her parents when she went there as a girl. It is postmarked 1940. She wrote about riding a horse named Playboy...I believe she was around 8-9 years old.


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