Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunset Knoll

Today is Palm Sunday. Our opening hymn was Lead On O King Eternal. I was taken back to Sunset Knoll. It was such a spiritual place within camp. It was filled with peace and tranquility. We would have vespers there and that hymn was one that was sung with regularity. i think it was a favorite of Prof. There are many hymns that were sung with regularity at camp. On ceremonial night, we all marched in to Onward Christian soldiers and recessed to We are Climbing Jacob's Ladder. Those songs are forever linked to Camp Wampatuck and take me back to my childhood.
When I was a very young camper, we had vespers on a regular basis, but as I grew older, they occurred less frequently. I believe we all have our own spiritual pathways. Music has always worked for me as has nature. The combination of the two is beautiful. How can we find our own Sunset Knoll in our lives? I believe we need to take the time to free ourselves of everything and let God speak to us. I need to take the time each day to have that conversation with God.
I hope that Sunset Knoll is still there, that it is still a place of solace and peace, and that someone, somewhere uses it to find inner peace.


At February 28, 2009 at 1:25 AM , Blogger Cindy said...

Sunset Knoll was one of my favorite places at camp as well. My first few years I remember having vespers on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. It dwindled to two nights a week when I was older, and then once a week when I was a counselor. Occasionally they had a Sunday service there, too, but most of the time Prof made us pick a church and go to it. I always went to the Catholic Church because it was my upbringing. But I remember feeling the most spiritual at Sunset Knoll. I've always been more secular than my parents would have liked, so my favorite vespers themes were love, friendship, sharing, understanding, etc. To this day, though, the only place I've ever truly felt a spiritual connection was at Camp Wampatuck, at Sunset Knoll and in the Ceremonial Bowl.

At April 30, 2009 at 8:52 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

is camp wampatuck still open...I can't find it listed anywhere and I would like my daughter to go there as I did.


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