Fire Lighting Ceremony:
"Although this is a tiny light, and lights only a small area, we can all see it. Each of us knows that it is tiny beacon to all of us. But this tiny light can grow, can be multiplied if our counselors come now to join it."
All counselor candles are lit by the H.C. one by one
"Now the light is brighter. It lights a bigger area and we can see more than before. But this light is only a beginning. For once there is light and people willing to share it, it will grow, and though it is shared it will become bigger, greater, until all who want can have light."
Counselors in turn begin lighting camper candles
"See how fast the light can spread. Notice how well we can see their smiles and their actions. And others can see our light. As this light brightens this council ring, our light can brighten our lives and the lives of others. The smallest light held by the least of us is important to the whole world."
Counselors then ready to light the bonfire
"Now we will light our council fire with this same light that has grown from such a tiny flame."
. . .and then, if memory serves me correctly, we sang "Each Campfire Lights Anew."
Thanks to Cindy McGrath